What Is Ovulex?
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What Is Ovulex?

If you’ve been trying to conceive without success, it’s natural to start to look for solutions to your problems. At times, even doctors may not be able to tell you why you haven’t been able to conceive yet. Ovulex is an herbal blend that, according to its manufacturer, strengthens your reproductive system to help you get pregnant. However, according to experts, there have been no clinical trials to prove its effectiveness.


Ovulex is a blend of herbs that have been traditionally used to promote fertility. These include chaste tree berry, dong quai, Arizona red clover blossoms, licorice root, Siberian ginseng, red raspberry leaf and black cohosh.

How It Works

You should take one pill per day for reproductive support. According to information from the manufacturer, dong quai, licorice root, Siberian ginseng and black cohosh all act to balance the hormones in a woman’s body to regulate her cycle. This can help to cause ovulation in women who are not ovulating and make it easier to predict in women who are. Red raspberry leaf is supposed to strengthen the uterus, making it more healthy and more likely that an embryo will attach itself. Chaste tree berry boosts the luteinizing protein, which stimulates ovulation, and Arizona red clover blossoms have compounds that are like estrogen.

Time Frame

The manufacturer states that it can take several months to get pregnant by taking Ovulex, though you may notice an immediate change in cycle regulation.


Selmedica Healthcare, the company that produced Ovulex, has several complaints recorded with the Better Business Bureau. Perry Belcher, the owner of the company, was arrested in 2008 on charges of computer fraud and deceptive business practices. Ovulex is no longer manufactured although you may be able to purchase the supplement through some retailers that still have inventory or through sites such as eBay.


Herbal supplements can help you to regulate your cycle, which can, in turn, help you to get pregnant. If you were thinking about using Ovulex, you can try using FertilAid, which contains a similar blend, or you could try taking the herb that will help with your specific problem. For example, if you have regular cycles and know that you are ovulating, you may only need the red raspberry leaf to build up your uterus.

Photo Credit

  • sperm and egg 4 image by chrisharvey from Fotolia.com
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