What Are Common Signs of Pregnancy?
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What Are Common Signs of Pregnancy?

The impact of pregnancy on a woman’s body is often major, leading to a host of noticeable signs and symptoms that may be the first indications of a bun in the oven. If you think you might already be pregnant, be on the look-out for common signs of pregnancy. If you are exhibiting one or more of these tell-tale pregnancy indications, your family might just be about to gain a new member.

Breast Swelling and Tenderness

For many women, the first tell-tale sign of potential pregnancy is breast tenderness. Women can experience noticeable breast tenderness and minor swelling as few as one to two weeks after conception reports the American Pregnancy website. This tenderness is brought on by the very early stages of the lactation process, meaning that the mom’s body is already beginning to prepare for breastfeeding the tiny new arrival.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common pregnancy complaint; it’s also an early pregnancy sign. This general queasiness is usually most noticeable during the first trimester and can begin as early as two weeks after conception reports the American Pregnancy website. While many moms-to-be feel as if they are going to be sick each morning, most women only feel like they are going to be ill and don’t actually get sick, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Pregnancy is often accompanied by increased fatigue. This exhaustion is caused by an increase in progesterone, a sleep-inducing chemical, reports the Mayo Clinic. If you feel like you can hardly get out of bed, even after a full night’s rest, you may feel this way because you are now sleeping for two.

Food Cravings

Pregnant women are notorious for developing a burning desire for seemingly gag-inducing food. While science has no answer for why women develop decidedly odd eating habits during pregnancy, a desire for food, such as ice cream topped with pickles, has long been a part of pregnancy lore. If you find yourself drawn to menu items that you once would have poo-pooed, it may be a sign that you are expecting.

Frequent Urination

As the baby grows, he begins to push on mommy’s bladder, leading to more frequent trips to the bathroom. Women begin to experience this urge as early as six to eight weeks after conception, reports the American Pregnancy website. While many women know they are pregnant by this time, some, particularly those with irregular periods, may not yet know of their condition.

Missed Period

The most reliable and unmistakable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. An upset tummy could be the result of a minor bout with food poisoning and your trips to the bathroom could be from increased water consumption, but a missed period has few other explanations. For many women, this is the sign that leads them to pick up that pregnancy test and determine whether their family is about to gain a new member.

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