Show Dogs Is Fun Film For The Whole Family
Show Dogs is a family-friendly comedy that follows a street-smart police dog named Max (voiced by Chris “Ludacris” Bridges) who reluctantly partners with a human FBI agent (voiced by Will Arnett) to save a baby panda and other animals from an international smuggling ring. They go undercover at a dog show in Las Vegas and meet a pack of interesting pups including a fabulous fashionista (voiced by RuPaul) and a Zen Komondor (the voice of Shaquille O’Neal). The way the jaded Rottweiler performs at the show is pretty hilarious.
While this movie is about crime-solving dogs, the baby panda is quite literally the cutest thing we’ve ever seen. The overall message (besides that dogs always get the bad guys), is that the loner, Max, learns to appreciate, and accept, love, help and friendship from his human and canine companions.
Go see Show Dogs – it’s a tremendously fun film for the whole family. Opens today!