Search Results for: vacation rental
Well Behaved Children Welcome. The Rest Will be Made Into Pies.
Well behaved children welcome. The rest will be made into pies.
Video Games: The Source of All Family Friction
Quote me on this: video games are the source of all family friction.
The Best and Worst Strollers
Due to a lack of research on my part and a changing family situation, I think weve spent enough money on strollers that we could have sponsored a whole village in Africa. In retrospect that would have been a much better use of our funds. Here is what I have learned, take it or leave it, but hopefully you can spend your dollars more wisely than we did. As a side note, I am not affiliated with, on the take from, or in any way connected (that Im aware of) to any of these companies.
Simple Ideas to Organize Travel Plans
Travel can be many things. It can be an obligatory visit to your relatives home for the holidays. It can be a quick one-night getaway to the city to see a show and do some shopping. Or, it can be a week-long toes-in-the-sand vacation where you escape from everything just for a little bit. Whether youre packing the car or boarding the plane, travel planning requires some dotting of is and crossing of ts. Youll never be able to control the long line at airport security, but if you follow some general guidelines, you will be able to shape your next trip. Here are ten tips for trouble-free travel:
Best Hotel Chains for Traveling with Baby
Traveling with little ones is not easy. Anyone who tells you differently is delusional. Objections? Let me know below or, for the love of god, tell us your secrets! With summer travel in full swing, readers and friends alike have been asking me for the secrets to baby travel success. My answer: find people, services, devices, and a sense of humor to help ease the pain. Travel does not have to start with a negative. In fact, it should start with a positive like a really cool gadget that promises to entertain your child for at least four hours straight or a fabulous hotel stay. While Im always a fan of home rentals, sometimes a hotel is your only option, so I rounded up the kid-friendliest hotel chains teddy bears and warm cookies included.