Search Results for: vacation rental
The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start
Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…
It’s August… Time For A Last-Minute Road Trip
Even during a pandemic, families are holding on to their summer vacations and hitting the open road to make memories with their kids. AAA projects that Americans will take 683 million road trips from July to September. If you haven't gone away yet, there's plenty of time to take a last-minute road trip. Just keep in…
11 Tips for Traveling with Kids
Before you know it, summer vacation will be here. If you’re planning a family adventure, the following tips and tricks will help you pull it off like a pro even with a tiny traveler in tow! 1. Choose flight times wisely. Don’t kick off the …
Autism and the Game of Objectifying People
Autism and the Game of Objectifying People My son was very excited for our month long vacation to the Mid-West and East Coast this past summer. He had several reasons: baseball games, train museums, visiting relatives and friends, going to his favorite place (Bromley Mountain in Vermont), and attending Super Smash Con in Virginia.…
Autism and the Scam
We were on vacation and there was a tiny incident. Not even an incident. Yet it could have been. What was it? My husband, son, and I were walking to the St. Louis Cardinals Busch Stadium in St. Louis. We had parked our rental about five blocks away from the stadium, checked out the famous…