Search Results for: vacation rental
Ground Rules for Parental College Visits
College is the best four years of your life (at least, theoretically). Its about freedom, independence, and eating cold pizza for breakfast just because you can. Its our first foray into the real world, which is pretty exciting, but for parents, I suppose it can be a little frightening to watch the nest empty out.
Organize a Family Vacation — Without the Hassle!
Vacations are important for every member of the family. Going away for a few days or weeks can rejuvenate parents and kids, and strengthen the bonds between them. Unfortunately, vacations can also be very stressful to plan. But if you plan it right, you’ll be (almost) stress-free before and during your vacation! Here are some tips to getting your family vacation organized today:
Cutting The Parental Cord
As a parent of a high school student, I’ve had a hard time navigating the balance between staying involved in my teenagers life and giving him the independence he craves.On the one hand, research shows that engaged parents have kids who are less likely to use drugs and alcohol and are more likely to do well in school. On the other hand, I sense that he is pulling away from me – indviduating …
How to Get the Best Luxury Hotel Deals for Your Family Vacation
If you enjoyed our previous post, How to Fly Your Family First Class for (Almost) Free, you may be wondering how to save on the other major vacation cost – the hotel. This week we tackle how to get the best luxury hotel deals, so that you can save while enjoying the kind of pampering that only a 5-star hotel or resort can provide.
Family Reunion Vacation Ideas for 25 People
Both fun and togetherness are vital elements for a family reunion that doubles as a vacation. Family members who use vacation time for a reunion look forward to more than simply chatting with their relatives. For 25 people, a gathering at one individuals home is impractical. You don’t want frazzled hosts and guests crowded together like sardines. However, a group of 25 people is large enough to take advantage of a variety of venues with strong entertainment potential.