3 mins read

Yummiest Spring Recipe Ever!

We love any excuse to incorporate marshmallows into our dessert. Add chocolate and peanut butter, pretend to make it healthy with some shredded wheat, embellish it so its super cute and colorful and voila: everything is edible AND it’s a totally fun family craft project. Here’s the recipe!

3 mins read

Wanted: A Friend- or The Lonely Moms Club

In a world where you can find pretty much anything you need online, I wondered if I could find something I am seeking: Friends. I mean IRL or ‘in real life friends’. I have lots of on-line friends and I love and cherish them, but there is something about a friend you can meet for…

3 mins read

10 Things Nobody Will Tell You About Having A Baby

After reading "20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids," I was inspired to share some wisdom of my own. So without further ado, here are ten things I learned as a new mom: 1. People Will Hate Your Kid’s Name There’s no way to win this one. Classic, retro, unique - someone…

7 mins read

A Sneak Peek Into The Mind Of A Four-Year-Old

Ever wondered what’s it like inside the mind of a four-year-old? Here’s a typical day: 4:30 a.m.HmmIm half awake. It would be so much cozier in Mommy and Daddys bed – right smack between them where I can make my body seem almost twice as big, and Mommy and Daddy can pretty much kiss the rest of their sleep goodbye.