3 mins read

How to Pick the Right Hairstyle for Your Face Shape

A main part of your beauty maintenance starts with your hair. Choosing a length, profile and style that flatters your face shape can be a trial-and-error process. Avoid some common hair “don’ts” by taking the trouble to match your face with its most flattering hairstyles before you even set foot in the salon.

4 mins read

How to Discipline Highly Sensitive Toddlers

We’ve all heard of the “Terrible Twos.” The toddler years are marked by intense emotion and feelings on the part of the little one–these reactions can be magnified if your child’s temperament is naturally more intense. Disciplining toddlers with more sensitive and intense temperaments is done in the same way disciplining a more easy going child–it will just take more patience, perhaps more repetitions and better planning on the part of the parents.

3 mins read

About Bayley Scales of Infant Development Scores

Developed by Nancy Bayley and published under a title of the same name, The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID) is a test that measures the cognitive, motor and behavioral development of children ages 1 month to 3 years. Specifically, the test is used to illustrate the standard development of children within this age range and isolate those with disabilities or delays who might benefit from early intervention. Used worldwide, the test is administered by specially trained professionals and takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete.

2 mins read

Toddler Girl’s Hairstyles

Keeping a little girl’s hair tidy and neat can be a challenge for any parent. Finding the right hairstyle for your toddler girl depends upon her hair type, temperament, and simply how much hair she has. While we all have mental images of little girls adorned with bows and ribbons, the reality often involves jam in the hair and pigtails pulled out as soon as they’re put in place. Try these simple toddler girl’s hairstyles to tackle those bad-hair days.

2 mins read

Baby Room Ideas for Twins

The first impulse when designing a room for twins is to make everything exactly alike. This can be boring and doesn’t give your babies their own special place to grow and be happy. Here are some ideas that you can incorporate into twins rooms that are creative, whimsical and that stay away from matching color themes.