2 mins read

Pre-Holiday Must-Haves

"It's beginning to look  a lot like Christmas..." The weather is getting cooler and holiday decorations are popping up so it's definitely time to start getting prepared! We have a few items that are must-haves for your family and friends that you want to get asap. It's almost December and this year, more than ever,…

3 mins read

How to Clean the Smell From the Inside of a Leather Jacket

Leather jackets are fashion staples that pose a major challenge when it comes to keeping them odor-free. While you can wipe them down and apply treatments to keep them rejuvenated, the porous nature of the material leaves them prone to absorbing odors that seem impossible to eliminate. Perspiration, smoke and cooking scents are a few…

1 min read

How To Make Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

Happy Spring! We’re finally getting some sunshine this week, and it’s making me want to clean house- mind, body and home. I’m trying to eat cleaner and get rid of some addictive foods and beverages. It’s herbal tea for me this week. I think the sun is helping balance the moodiness of zero caffeine. This…

3 mins read

How to Sanitize a Couch

Between your kids, their friends and pets, it’s a wonder that your couch is even still standing. Although you can do your best to keep it clean, everyday living leaves it exposed to dirt, pet accidents, spilled drinks and even those mysterious stains that you don’t even want to try and guess. When you know…

3 mins read

Make Your Own Green Bathroom Cleaning Products

I hate cleaning the bathroom. I am not proud to admit that I have actually gone months without doing it. Most of the time, I wait until we have company over and then I rush to do some last minute cleaning of the sink and toilet so that no one will judge me on my nasty bathroom.