Search Results for: sleep bags
Running to Stand Still
Ive fallen off the wagon on multiple fronts. My blog is dying on the vine and I have about 10 of them written in my head but have yet to sit the hell down and write them out. So before I get into the stories of the last few months one of which will be entirely dedicated to kids and babies BARFING I thought I would start with how Ive stopped taking my own advice and found myself in a slump.
Off The Fence & Into The Gym
By Guest Blogger David Snively Ive been training clients for more than 25 years now, mostly women, and Ive heard my fair share of workout goals from the opposite sex. For the most part, they are body part related the eternal quest for thinner thighs, flatter stomachs, and more toned arms, and that has continued till this day. I have learned to listen to their requests, sympathize with body image discontent, and do my best to deliver results. I combine my own agenda as a trainer with 25 years of experience and constant le
Her First Slumber Party
A girl’s first slumber party is a rite of passage because it means your daughter is mature enough to host friends for an entire evening. However, you must plan appropriate entertainment and refreshments for the grand event to make sure the girls do not get bored or irritable. Set a budget, discuss ground rules with your daughter and prepare for an unforgettable event.
How to Conserve Energy
Anyone can learn to conserve energy. If you already take action to preserve our resources, review this list for other “green” strategies to incorporate into your life. Try a couple of ideas first, then expand to others. If you need motivation, research your personal carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it.
Alleviate Puffy Eyes
The puffy-eye look is definitely not a fashion trend. That swollen, under-the-eye baggy appearance can detract from the overall effect of a woman’s most carefully applied make-up. It can leave both men and women uncomfortable about having to face the day. What’s even worse, sometimes discomfort can go along with the puffy eyes. Fortunately, the condition is usually a temporary one with a variety of readily available remedies.