Search Results for: representation
Guest Blog: Just Simply…Dad
I dont necessarily think of myself as a modern dad, a todays dad, or even a hip dad. What do I think I am? Just simplydad. Its not a unique title, or even an original one, but recently theres been a bit of a ground swell going on, not unlike my 9-month-olds diaper at times. Im seeing fathers excited to wear it as a badge of honor, celebrated …
“What Would Meg Do?” and Why It’s Never Too Late to Dream
Meet Mary Krell-Oishi. She is an ambitious mom who recently wrote her first screenplay for a project in a screenwriting class at the local college and, on a whim, submitted it to a writing contest.
What About a Mothers’ Bill of Rights?
As mothers, it is imbedded in our very nature to take care of others. What mothers should know is that society has taken advantage of this fact for centuries. And while they continue to take, mothers continue to give.
TV Characters are Getting Into Politics
In the recent documentary Miss Representation — which criticized American culture and the media for its negative impact on women and girls — child advocate Marian Wright Edelman lamented the scarcity of American women politicians saying that, “You can’t be what you can’t see.”
Where Are All The Women in Politics?
Here are some grim statistics for mothers, who are raising the next generation (including their observant girls), to consider: Women hold only 17 percent of the seats in Congress.