2 mins read

Pregnancy Relaxation Exercises

Pregnant women deal with a variety of emotions and potentially stressful situations. From the financial responsibility to medical decisions, pregnancy and childbirth leave some women looking for ways to relax and reduce stress. Relaxation exercises are safe for pregnancy and also work well after your baby is born because you will need continued stress relief.

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Relaxation Exercises for Kids

Whether your child is stressed, in pain or otherwise upset, relaxation exercises help her handle the situation in a productive way. Teaching your child a variety of relaxation techniques allows her to find the exercises that work best for her in stressful or uncomfortable situations. Repeated practice of the exercises makes them more effective.

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Relaxation Tips for Kids

For some children, relaxing presents a serious challenge. These easy-to-anger children often find the task of dealing with anger or even extreme excitement quite difficult and, as a result, are unable to process these emotions effectively. If your child is not as adept at relaxation as you would like, consider some ways in which you can help him accomplish this task.

3 mins read

Relaxation Techniques to Help Get Pregnant

Many women who struggle to become pregnant understandably become stressed about their predicament. While this response is natural, some contend that this continued internal struggle could actually leave these women babyless longer. If you are attempting to conceive and find yourself feeling anxious about the situation, consider giving some relaxation techniques a try. These techniques may not only put you at ease but may help you become pregnant.

2 mins read

Relaxation Games for Kids

When planning activities and games for children, many parents and teachers overlook relaxation games. These games work well for children of all ages and skill levels, giving participants a chance to recharge, refocus and just breathe. Integrate relaxing games with more active games to vary the pace of activities. The open-ended nature of relaxation games means you can play them for as long as necessary, expanding or contracting them to suit the attention spans and physical needs of the children.