3 mins read

Natural Breast Enlargement Exercises

When it comes to breast size, many women suffer some version of the Goldilocks Syndrome. Their breasts are either too big or too small, but rarely are they ever just the right size. If you err on the side of being too small, perk up. Exercises targeted to developing your chest muscles can make your breasts look larger. Though you might have heard that exercising decreases your chest size, strong pectoral muscles will give you bigger, firmer breasts with lift.

2 mins read

Makeup for Stretch Marks

People get stretch marks when the collagen in the skin breaks down under the stress of extra weight. Common reasons for stretch marks include a pregnancy, gaining extra weight, bodybuilding and rapid growth during puberty. Stretch marks look red in the beginning and turn white as they heal. Massaging stretch marks with a lubricant, such as cocoa butter, can help scars heal better, says Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon in Virginia, on the Plastic Surgery 4 U website.

2 mins read

Exercises to Help With Longer-Lasting Sex

Women and men alike may worry about just how long sexual intercourse lasts, according to both the Men’s Health and the Ask Men websites. Most men, however, can only actually engage in intercourse for about five to 10 minutes. Trying exercises that strengthen the overall body and mind as well as the pubic regions can prove beneficial to enhancing sexual ability among men and women, according to MayoClinic.com.

2 mins read

Foods to Increase Sex Drive

You don’t necessarily have to bring food into the bedroom to enhance you and your partner’s sexual drives, though sometimes the act of feeding each other can add to the erotic experience. Whether you decide to eat foods with reputations as natural aphrodisiacs in the kitchen or in bed, a number of foods can potentially improve your sexual energy.

2 mins read

Things to Do on a Family Beach Vacation

A beach can make a great destination for your family vacation. You’ll find plenty of activities that you can do together with the family. When planning your trip, it’s smart to avoid over-scheduling yourself. Choose a few must-do activities. Leave the rest of the time open so that you can just roll with the flow.