3 mins read

About Eco-Friendly Living

Eco-friendly living is on the rise, ranging from recycling and reusing to making better food choices and building green structures. Even small changes can make a big difference in not only reducing your impact on the environment but also making your home a healthier place. Between work, personal and family obligations, making time to live a greener life can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be impossible or even time consuming.

2 mins read

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

No matter how much we do to protect the environment around us, we all have a carbon footprint. Most closely associated with the increase in greenhouse gases and global warming, a carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide we create every day in our life. This carbon dioxide can be attributed to us both directly and indirectly: directly when you drive your car to work or cook your food, and indirectly when you take a plane on vacation or buy a product from a company. But there are ways to reduce the size of your carbon footprint on a daily basis.

1 min read

Steps to Give a Spa Facial

Give yourself a spa facial in the comfort of your own home. The facial consists of sequential steps, and you can use any store-bought line of facial products or homemade cleansers made from natural materials.

2 mins read

How to Eat Organic on a Budget

Consumers, for the most part, are aware of the benefits of consuming organic foods, including a reduced chance of ingesting toxic chemicals and pesticides. The problem is that many organic products come at a steep price. It can be challenging to integrate more than a few organic foods into your diet, but with some creative planning, it is possible to eat organic on a budget.

4 mins read

How to Add Rice Cereal to Infant Formula

Your baby is ready to try “solid” food! While an infant’s primary source of nutrition should be breast milk or formula for the first 12 months, around 6 months of age most health care providers suggest trying to add some type of “solid” food to your baby’s diet. Typically this means starting with adding formula or breast milk to rice, barley or oat cereal.