2 mins read

Foods to Avoid for Acne

Acne is the chronic appearance of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or other plugged or infected oil glands, most often occurring on the face. Although food has long been named a culprit of acne, the Mayo Clinic maintains that it is not likely the main cause. Plugged hair follicles are the cause. However, depending on the individual, some foods may irritate acne conditions already present on your face or body.

2 mins read

How to Lose Weight & Fast

One of the first things on your mind as a mom may be how to lose weight quickly. No, this is not another diet scam on how to lose weight fast. Like everything else in your life, a simple and steady approach to resolving the problem of excess weight usually works best. However, if you want to up your chances of fast weight loss for an upcoming family reunion or other special occasion, you can take a few simple steps.

4 mins read

A Moderndad Speaks: "My 6-Year Old's Generosity"

The Cub Scout Pack meeting was especially fun this time. The boys all made paper airplanes and flew them in groups through a snowstorm of newspaper snowballs thrown by the other cubs. My Sam, a Tiger Cub (the youngest group), made an airplane by himself and flew it several times through the barrage. It made it through a couple of times! We walked the three blocks home in the rain. Sam held my leg tightly as we splashed through the puddles and I let go of the mess he was making of his uniform. He was free and so was I.

1 min read

John Edwards Speaks Out About Split with Wife

John Edwards speaks out about the legal separation with his wife on Wednesday. His statement followed a statement made by his wife,Elizabeth Edwards, on Tuesday. Elizabeth affirmed that she is “moving on with her life” after a “excruciatingly painful period.” Elizabeth’s sister Nancy Anania, relayed a message from Elizabeth, “I’ve had it. I can’t do this.