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Kids’ Party Games
Well-planned games appropriate to the age of party guests can make a party a memorable event. The object of a good party game is to provide pure fun for the players, so games selected for a party should be those that take little explanation and that most kids would feel comfortable playing. It’s also a good idea to include both a quiet and an active game as part of a party’s agenda.
What Is a Probiotic Diet?
Imagine adding bacteria to your food. It may sound a little dangerous. At the least, it seems unappealing. The probiotic diet introduces “good” bacteria back into your daily eating habits. Research indicates that probiotic foods and supplements can help restore a natural balance to your body, fight infections, promote good digestion and even clear skin in children.
How Accurate Are Home Pregnancy Tests?
Available over-the-counter at drugstores, home pregnancy tests are cheap, easy, quick tests that tell you whether or not you are pregnant by detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. You should always check with your doctor if you get a positive result on a home pregnancy test. Your doctor can confirm whether or not you are pregnant with a blood test and/or a pelvic exam, and start you on a course of prenatal care to assure a healthy pregnancy. Even a negative result on a home pregnancy test is a heads-up to call your doctor to look for possible medical reasons for your missed period(s).