Search Results for: mindful
A Spinning Worry by Robin Stern, Ph.D. and Diana Divecha, Ph.D.
In this book, Alber explains that there are two distinct types of worry: a useful worry, or one that keeps you safe, and A Spinning Worry, or one that you imagine, is not likely to happen and can keep you from fully enjoying your life.
Key Topics for Parents to Address with Teens this Summer
Each summer brings new hot topics for parents to address with their teens.
Snack Smart: Healthy Eating Habits for Cavity-Free Smiles
Every parent prioritizes raising children with healthy, cavity-free smiles. Good dental health isn’t just about regular brushing and flossing; it also relies on smart dietary choices.
Dental Care Tips For College-Aged Students
College life is an exciting and transformative period filled with new experiences, academic challenges, and social activities. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy for students to overlook their dental health. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during these formative years, as it can have long-lasting impacts on overall health. Here’s a comprehensive guide…
Breathwork And How it Changed My Life
Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…