3 mins read

The Development of an Eight-Month-Old Baby

In the eighth month of life, babies go through many monumental changes. However, the development of an eight-month-old baby is not always easily defined. Some babies will hit these milestones earlier than others. If your baby has not yet reached these milestones it is likely no cause for concern. Nonetheless, the average eight-month-old baby will accomplish most of these milestones by his ninth month.

5 mins read

Sun Damage is like Pregnancy

Sun Damage is like Pregnancy. The only true form of prevention is abstinence. And just like sex, it is unlikely we will stay away from the sun. Can I get an Amen! for modern science and its invention of birth control and sunscreen? As modern moms, …

7 mins read

Cute Kid or Fashion Victim?

My five-year-old daughter has been obsessing. Over clothes. First came the conundrum of what to wear to her first day of kindergarten. Resolving that involved an evening of laying out her 10 favorite outfits on the bed, and matching them to shoes. Mommy, I want to look weely, weely …