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Information for Babysitters to Have on Hand
Leaving your baby with a sitter can be stressful, no matter how old your “baby” is. Making sure that the babysitter has a list of information close at hand is key to your child’s safety as well as your own peace of mind. It is vital that you make the list complete and be sure it is in an easy-to-find location, such as posted on your refrigerator door.
Teenage Chore List
As teenagers move from childhood towards adulthood, it is important for them to learn the skills that will help them mature into independent adults. Doing chores as part of their responsibility within the family helps give them the sense of well-being and achievement that they need to be successful in the workplace and in their own homes.
Important Things to Do Before Having Your Baby
The birth of a child is an exciting and highly anticipated time for new parents. Before the big day arrives, several important tasks should be considered. By handling these tasks before the birth of your baby, you can enjoy the birth and the time with your newborn. The hormones of pregnancy combined with the excitement of the impending birth may cause you to overlook these important tasks.
About the Physical Development of Infants
Infants grow so quickly during the first year of life. An infant’s physical development will depend on a variety of factors including, genetics and nutrition. Growth and development will likely happen in bursts throughout the first year. All infants develop at their own rate. If you are worried that your baby is not developing properly, talk with your pediatrician.