Search Results for: invites
5 Fresh Tips To Green The Birthday Party Scene
As a busy mom, youre likely to attend several birthday parties a year – and not just those for your children. For example, theres the “best-friend-of-your-child” birthday invite. The “bring-the-sibling” birthday invite. The “all-inclusive-classroom” party invite. The “Im-inviting-your-kid-only-to-be-polite” invite.
Invite Overload? Pick & Choose Wisely
It’s always nice to be invited to things, but sometimes it gets to beoverwhelming! I feel that way right now, as summer draws to a close and back-to-school, football leaguesand biz eventsare filling my calender at a record pace. And add to that,the social personal fun, too.
Green with BlogHer Envy
I have blogger conference envy.
Royal Obsession: Will & Kate
One day. One short day! Those are the words I imagine are doing roller coaster loops in Kate Middleton’s mind right about now. She is set to marry His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales on Friday morning, making her the luckiest girl in the world, I’m pretty sure. If anyone is livin’ the dream right now, it is most definitely Kate Middleton.
Children & Fear of Dogs
You just met another mom who has a little girl the same age as yours who happens to live in your neighborhood. She invites you and your daughter over. You are both excited about the prospect of making new friends. That is, until you both see that they have a dog. Your daughter is now hiding behind your legs, and not having a dog yourself, you are not quite sure what to do.