6 mins read

How Fragile Life Truly Is

Hi Ladies. I had a few things I wanted to cover today, so this one will be a bit of a mixed bowl. I firstly want to thank WordPress (www.wordpress.com) for choosing yesterdays blog on GUILT as one of the featured articles of the day. It brought me insane amounts of traffic, and I was excited beyond belief. One of my Facebook friends wrote, If you build it, They will come. This made me teary. I write from my heart, day after day, and I visualize a whole bunch of us women sitting in a room together just discussing the issues. I feel connected. I do.

4 mins read

The Do’s and Don’ts for Sex During Pregnancy

After the excitement of a new pregnancy calms, expecting parents (especially first-time parents) have hundreds of questions. One of the most common involves sex during pregnancy – is it safe? Sex during a normal pregnancy is usually safe unless your doctor has recommended otherwise. That said, there are a few things to be aware of – a…

3 mins read

Can I Get Pregnant While Not Ovulating?

All the baby books tell you to have sex when you’re ovulating. That’s the basis of conception. One sperm fertilizing one egg means you’re parents. Following that logic, it makes sense that if you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. That logic, however, fails to take into account the longevity of sperm and the sometimes fickle nature of a woman’s reproductive cycle.

3 mins read

When Does a Baby Develop a Heartbeat?

The nine months of pregnancy seem endless for many expectant mothers. In reality, it is amazing how much a baby grows and changes during that time. In fact, many of those changes, including the development of a heartbeat, occur before the expectant mother even knows she is pregnant, according to MayoClinic.com.

3 mins read

Organ Development During Pregnancy

The development of a baby in utero is truly remarkable. Only a few weeks pass between the time an egg is fertilized and the heart begins to beat. While the organs may grow rapidly, some are not fully functional until the baby is full-term and ready to be born. Others, such as the heart, are functional before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.