Search Results for: everyday target
Modern Mompreneur: The Secret to Creating Websites That Work
This week Im launching my third major website in five years. This site represents the further specialization of my business and officially introduces my new brand to the world. This site has taken a lot of work. Ive been writing text, researching photos and overseeing the site building for four …
Safety in Hollywood: What All Moms Can Do to Protect Their Broods
With the explosion of tabloid journalism in the past couple years as well as the rise of celeb news blogs and websites, it seems like slipping past the crowds unnoticed is a thing of the past in Hollywood. Stars such as Jennifer Lopez, as Mommywood reported last week, are reportedly …
Simple Tips for Keeping Your Family Organized
After a long day of work, I want my evenings with my son to be quality timenot hours spent trying to find things, remember things and manage the chaos. Ive always found that a little bit of organization goes a long way, and that, with the …