8 mins read

Your Body is Not Disneyland

You dont have to look too far today in our society to see that sex has overtaken many aspects of our culture. It is on the television, on the covers of many magazines, in almost every corner of the internet, and our children seem to be immersed in innuendo and direct sexual content.

5 mins read

Why Respecting Your Body is More Important Than Ever

Sex has overtaken many aspects of our culture. It is on the television, on the covers of many magazines, in almost every corner of the internet, and our children seem to be immersed in innuendo and direct sexual content. I would not call myself old-fashioned, but I feel that our cultures attitudes and behaviors about sex are out of control, and we seem to be more and more desensitized the more we are exposed to this. I believe that human body is a work of art and should be appreciated. I am not in favor censorship — I am in favor of good taste and mutually respectful behavior that models and emulates a respect for ourselves, each other and our bodies.

5 mins read

Advice on Raising an Independent Child…

This stay-at-home dad has some things to say about raising responsible, independent kids: I saw a three-year old and his mother going to daycare once. It was winter time, and the mom was loaded down, carrying her son, his bag, a rain coat, umbrella and his stuffed toy. This picture drove me crazy as it was not raining and so the mom had no reason to carry the child and his entire entourage. I decided then and there it would be different with my child, and I would teach him to be responsible for his own stuff. Here’s how I did it:

5 mins read

One Easy First Lesson Toward Raising Independent, Happy Children

Once I saw a three-year old and his mother going to daycare. It was winter time, and the mom was loaded down, carrying her son, his bag, a rain coat, umbrella and his stuffed toy. That simple picture drove me crazy and made me sad for both child and parent. It was not raining and so the mom had no reason to carry the child and his entourage. I decided then and there it would be different with my child.

5 mins read

the way you go to sleep affects your sleep and the way you wake up sets the pace for your day

The other night after watching the movie – The hurt locker and eating a pizza, I got an upsetting email from a person that I know. I had opened the email right before I was about to go to sleep. Already feeling anxious and upset from the movie. The email pissed me off, angering me beyond words, and thats the energy I went to sleep with. I tossed and turned, was in and out of sleep and had nightmares.