Search Results for: establish trust
Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce
More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…
8 Tips For Raising Girls with Confidence
I grew up in a picturesque suburb of New York City. By all outside appearances, I had it together: confident, carefree, and a natural leader. I went to college, built a high profile career in the media industry, got married, and had children. Then I had a daughter. The second I heard “it’s a girl,”…
Are You and Your Teen Speaking Different Languages?
Surprise: You and your daughter arent speaking the same language!
10 Things You Should Do Before You Discuss Divorce With Your Spouse
While you may have come to the conclusion that your marriage is over and you are eager to announce your decision, we recommend that you take the following steps before “crossing the rubicon” and telling your spouse that you want a divorce. Knowledge is power and it is important for you to be fully informed…
Prom Night… or Prom Nightmare?
Prom is a big night for teens- with big consequences at stake. In a national survey, 90 percent of teenagers said their peers are more likely to drink and drive on prom night.* And Ive seen it reported that 27 percent of girls lose their virginity on prom night.