6 mins read

Interview 4 Inspiration- Rudy Wietfeldt- Therapist, Speaker, and Author

Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.

3 mins read

Because Y'All Know I’m Fascinated…

With the whole Tiger Woods Saga. The rise of the chosen one, the fall of the chosen one, and now, the possible resurrection. And then, yesterday, the commercial. For those of you who havent yet seen Tiger Woods new Nike commercial, check it out here, so you can participate in the chat!

7 mins read

8 Quick Tips For Staying Fit During The Winter Months

If youre like me, then getting to the gym can be a real chore. Especially now that Im blogging, I have come up with nearly every excuse in the book to avoid the gym. I havent written a blog in a couple of days, so I want to write this morning. I have no time for the gym today! Now Im in pretty decent shape. I wont lie. Ive been active my entire life, from ballet as a little girl through to late teens, and then fitness after that. Being fit and eating healthy have always been a part of my life.