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Organize Your Finances
Its time to do a little spring cleaning. Except instead of tidying up your house, start with your finances instead. Here are a few ways to get rid of clutter and save some money.
How to Fix Your Credit Report After a Divorce
The divorce is over. The children are adjusting, and you are ready to begin your life as a single mother. When you attempt to buy your first solo house, however, you discover that your credit took a nosedive during the divorce. Post-divorce credit repair is an important step to getting your life back on track. Whether your credit got dinged for non-payment of bills, or you never had credit in your own name during the marriage, it can be fixed.
Ideas for a Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party
Parties come with high expectations. Kids come to a party planning to be well-fed and well-entertained. With all the other stresses in your life, you may find yourself obsessing over how you are going to keep these kids having fun. Put together a scavenger hunt. With just a little effort, your guests will have a great time and will talk about this for weeks and months.
5 Ways to Repair Your Bad Credit
Bad credit can raise your insurance premiums, cost you jobs and even prevent you from owning or renting a nice home. Credit checks are now run for many types of transactions, and people with bad credit have fewer attractive financing and employment options than people with good credit. Your credit score is more important than ever.