3 mins read

Discipline & Children With ADHD

While disciplining any child can be difficult at times, parents of ADHD children often face added challenges when trying to keep their active children in line. Because of the nature of the disorder, children who suffer from ADHD commonly have trouble following rules and remaining goal-focused. Along with working to teach their children right from wrong as all parents do, parents of ADHD children must help their children overcome these additional hurdles that stand in the way of proper behavior.

2 mins read

Caffeine & Male Fertility

MayoClinic.com estimates that about 20 percent of infertility cases are a result of the male partner, while an additional 30 to 40 are a combination of male and female fertility issues. If you are having problems conceiving, you need to take a look at the types of things that may be causing it. Caffeine may be one of the culprits.

3 mins read

Recovery Time from a Lifestyle Face-Lift

In past decades, women had to come to terms with their sagging skin. Modern moms can fight back against the aging process through cosmetic surgery. Many women, who feel that their face is no longer a reflection of their youthful attitude, opt for a face-lift. While a face-lift, like all cosmetic surgery procedures, is a serious medical procedure with real risks, many feel that the results are well worth it. If you plan to get a face-lift, carefully plan your procedure to ensure that you allow adequate healing time prior to heading out and showing off your revitalized face.

3 mins read

Why Is My Child Acting Out?

Many moms lament the fact that their children sometimes elect to misbehave. As a proud parent, it can be embarrassing to see your carefully raised child act inappropriately. In a perfect world, children would follow all directions and act like little angels. If your child displays a propensity for acting out, consider the potential causes of this behavior as well as what you might do to reduce the prevalence of inappropriate behavior.

4 mins read

How Do I Treat ADHD Without Drugs?

Every parent knows that kids often seem like they have a never-ending amount of boundless energy; however, some hyper kids’ behavior is the result of ADHD. As the number of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder continues to increase, more parents are turning away from medicine and seeking less invasive ways to treat their children. Treating your ADHD child with behavioral modification instead of medication may be a desirable option if you can dedicate time and effort to creating a change in your child’s behavior.