Search Results for: dialogue
Are You and Your Teen Speaking Different Languages?
Surprise: You and your daughter arent speaking the same language!
5 Phrases Infecting Your Child’s Education
The following is a guest post by Raj (Anurag) Pandey, Education Program Director at MathCrunch. Parents have a tremendous impact on a child’s achievement. According to the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), when parents are involved, regardless of income or background, children are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level…
Captain America: Civil War – Can’t Miss Movie
When you look at the one sheet poster for Captain America: Civil War, you’d be forgiven for fearing that this is going to be an over-stuffed, overwhelming film. There are so many characters in this film, featuring a dizzying variety of superpowers, and alliances broken and forged. Would this audacious effort – featuring a popular…
Passover Games & Lessons for Kids
The Passover holiday, with its Seder celebration, is perhaps the most well-known of all the Jewish holidays. Passover commemorates the freedom of the Jews from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. You can read about this story in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Passover refers to the angel of death passing over the homes of Jewish people and sparing their firstborn during the final of 10 plagues. Passover lasts for eight days, during which time the Jewish people observe certain rituals. Children learn lessons, often in the form of games, during this time.
Teaching Good Morals To Your Kids
The following is a guest post byStephanie Manes, LCSW