5 mins read

Three Tips To Help Tame Our Kids Tech

Get this: U.S. teenagers now spend a whopping NINE HOURS A DAY using media. That’s more time than most spend sleeping, learning, or hanging out with us. The nine hours includes watching TV, videos and movies, playing video games, listening to music, and checking social media. New research shows that some 13 year olds check…

11 mins read

11 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms Who Want To Go Back To Work

Stay-at-home moms: Dont fall for the media chatter that opting out of work to raise kids will sound the death knell for your career. It IS possible to get back in. You just need some advice and inspiration.Remember, as a full-time mom, you opted in to the most important job in the world – raising the next generation of capable and responsible adults. There’s no need to regret your decision; it was the …

4 mins read

5 Tips To Help Your Preschooler Learn To Read

By kindergarten most schools recommend (or require) that children read for at least 20 minutes every night. With benefits like positive self esteem, increased vocabulary, enhanced creativity, increased attention spans, and higher cognitive abilities*, it is no wonder why teachers and schools are placing such an emphasis on reading. I was a learning specialist in…