4 mins read

Playground Politics

Two weeks ago, I happened to call an old friend who lives in Ohio, with whom I speak once a year or so. Before I could even ask how the kids were, my friend launched into a fiery political diatribe that caught me by surprise.

3 mins read

What’s in my Doula Bag?

Over the years, I have gathered lots of helpful goodies to help women with the birthing process. Every birth experience I have been a part of has been different, so with every birth, comes something new that I learn and add to my bag of tricks. MY DOULA BAG – a.k.a. the bag of goodies

3 mins read

Backyard Barbeque Party Ideas

When planning outdoor entertainment, a backyard barbecue party often comes to mind, especially during warmer days. Taking the party outdoors will make the event an informal one, allowing the food to take center stage. For your next backyard barbecue party, take a little time and make the gathering more fun and entertaining.

6 mins read

Attending Autism-Related Events

Where do I take my child? My best answer is wherever I need to.But, sometimes, we take him to events that center around autism. For example, for the last five years, I have volunteered for Walk Now for Autism Speaks Los Angeles. It is one of largest walk events in the country. Throughout the year, due to planning, Autism Speaks has monthly meetings. I not only have my son at the walk event itself, but I bring him to my meetings.