Search Results for: account developing
Moon Sign Astrology- July 2011
Sea shells, pearls, all gifts of the sea symbolize the oceanic emotional nature of the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. The moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. Its placement in the birth chart speaks to our maternal element: it tells us about our feeling nature, our relationship to our mothers, the home environment; and most significantly, it is thought to represent the soul housed in the human body.
Survey Says…”X.”
When I was a kid, my mom had this thing about x-rays at the dentist. Every time my brother and I went for our annual teeth cleaning and check-up, the dentist wanted to take x-rays of our mouths, and every time my mother would refuse to let him. I didnt mind – I hated having to bite down on that plastic thing shoved inside my cheek, and the lead vest they put over my torso always made me nervous.
Cereal May Help Fight Off Hypertension
Beginning each day with a bowl of cereal, especially a whole-grain variety, could shave up to 20% off your risk of developing high blood pressure, according to preliminary research presented at an American Heart Association meeting last month in Atlanta. Although cereal alone won’t do the trick, eating it regularly may be an easy and practical way to prevent hypertension, the researchers point out.
Get Organized and Record Family Memories
Everyones dressed, ribbons are tied into the hair of your youngest and even the boys have their hair combed. Now its time for a picture. Whats that? Oh, the blinking light indicating your battery is dead or your memory card is full? It happens to the best of us and it always happens at the worst time. Those pictures clogging up the memory card? Theyre from last years Christmas party and that was six months ago. Yup, weve been there too.
How Do I Recognize Child Behavior Problems?
Behavior and conduct disorders rank among the most common reasons why children are referred for mental health evaluations, according to The Ohio State Medical Center. Parents should seek the advice of professionals if a child shows symptoms, because a failure to deal with the problem effectively can put a child at a higher risk for failing in school or developing other mental health problems. The challenge is in recognizing the difference between normal and abnormal behavior.