2 mins read

How Often Should You Clean Makeup Brushes?

You know you shouldn’t keep mascara for more than three months; it rarely lasts that long, anyway. Also, your favorite eyeshadow isn’t around long enough to need an expiration date. But have you considered your makeup brushes? Good-quality brushes can last for years, which is wonderful on the budget; it can be awful for your complexion, however, if you don’t wash them regularly and allow that accumulated dirt and bacteria to go right back on your skin every time you apply powder.

3 mins read

Feel the Clean: Clear Out Your Rooms In Time for Spring

It?s springtime. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the bees are a?buzzing. And yes, America?s favorite pastime (we don?t need to spell it out, do we?) is in full swing. But along with all these smile-inducing events, comes one not so thrilling springtime ritual. You got it — the Big Clean.

2 mins read

Five Things To Do While You’re Waiting

In todays busy world, it often feels like there isnt enough time in the day to get things done. Finding time may be easier than you think. Todays moms are busy, but todays children are busy, too. Think of all of the time you spend waiting. Soccer practice. Ballet lessons. …In todays busy world, it often feels like there isnt enough time in the day to get things done. Finding time may be easier than you think. Todays moms are busy, but todays children are busy, too. Think of all of the time you spend waiting.

12 mins read

I Still Really Resent My Husband!

Previously, Modern Mom asked our etiquette expert, Melissa Leonard, to address the marital dilemma of our generation: A Stay At Home Mom feels her husband no longer respects her now that shes left her corporate job to be at home, full time, with the kids. This week, we asked …