2 mins read

Boot Camp Workout Programs

Boot-camp workouts offer a fast-paced challenge that can yield results relatively quickly. Relying on traditional calisthenics, exercises are done one after the other with no rest. This level of activity keeps the heart rate high. You can do boot-camp workouts at home, outside or just about anywhere with very little or no equipment. Choosing a boot-camp workout means strenuous exercise, so check with your health-care provider before starting your new fitness regimen.

1 min read

What Is an Adoption Specialist?

Adoption can be a complicated process fraught with bureaucratic tasks. There is often the added complication of different states and countries having diverse requirements and laws pertaining to adoption. Adoption specialists are there to fill in the gaps of information and support people through the process.

3 mins read

Information on Teen Pregnancy

According to Women’s Health Channel, approximately 33 percent of teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years old become pregnant each year in the United States. Of those pregnancies, 80 percent are unplanned. Despite the decline in teen pregnancy from 1991 to 2005, the rate actually increased by 3 percent between 2006 and 2007. Currently, Hispanic girls make up the highest percentage of teenage mothers with the most significant decline occurring in African-American girls.

4 mins read

Teen Pregnancy Health Risk

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that teenage girls experience more medical complications during pregnancy than adult women. Because a teen’s body is still developing, a number of physical problems can arise. Teens also face more personal, economic and social problems related to pregnancy. While data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that more teens may be delaying sex, research suggests that a teenager’s environment often influences the decision to become sexually active at a young age.

3 mins read

Having a Baby Over 40

Having a baby over 40 has become more common in recent years. Some woman may delay motherhood until after 40 for a variety of reasons. Other women may be adding to their existing family or conceive accidentally after 40. Having a baby at any age can cause both excitement and some anxiety. Women over 40 may have additional things to consider.