Search Results for: Assistance
Patricia Heaton Struggles with Second-Grade Math in the Name of a Good Cause
This Monday, Patricia Heaton took the hot seat on the celebrity episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! Hot it became when Patricia was faced with her most dreaded subject area: second-grade math. The star squirmed when Regis presented this question: If a Euro is worth $1.50, five Euros is worth what? Her options? (A) thirty quarters, (B) fifty dimes, (C) seventy nickels, or (D) ninety pennies.
How to Find the Right Bra for Different Outfits
The right bra can make all the difference in how an outfit looks and how your body looks. Finding the right bra for different outfits is critical. In some cases, you may need a specialty bra, while in other instances you just need a bra that fits appropriately and provides the right line and type of support. Any bra you wear should fit well, provide good support and be comfortable to wear for as long as you need.
How to Increase Sex Drive in a Woman
Increasing sex drive involves multiple factors. Health, general well being, self esteem and the relationship can all impact a woman’s sex drive, as can age, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. Keep in mind that variations in sex drive from woman to woman are normal, as are variations depending on your phase of life and even the day of the week.
How to Care for Elderly Parents
When your elderly parents lose their ability to function as they once did due to physical or mental health problems, you may be called on to care for them. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) warns that this is a stressful time for both you and your parents. Adjusting your life for the care of your parents is a serious challenge, just as your elderly parents face the challenge of adjusting to their reliance on you and their relative incapacity.
Warm Up Stretches Before Exercise
Warm-up stretching should be part of everyone’s exercise routine. After doing a brief cardiovascular warm-up, like jogging in place or jumping rope, it’s important to take a few minutes to stretch out your muscles prior to beginning your workout. Warm-up stretches will help prepare your muscles for activity. Warm-up stretches will also increase your flexibility, which can help prevent exercise-induced injuries.