#ModernMomMondays: Episode Four with Kate Christie and Suzanne Brown
Winnie Sun also introduced us to Australian based time management specialist, speaker and best selling author of 4 books, Kate Christie. Kate shared with us her mantra that ‘Family is a Team Sport’ (and happily, we think you are captain of that team!), and taught us all about Insourcing. Unlike Outsourcing, where you identify the tasks around the house you are happy to pay an expert to do for you (eg., hire a cleaner), Insourcing is where you identify all the tasks you do for your family that they can do for themselves that you don’t have to pay them for (eg., put away your toys, books, computers, and other ‘stuff’; hang up your towel; feed the dog). The list of chores your kids can do around the house is pretty much endless.
In this episode, Winnie chats with work-life balance speaker, consultant, and award-winning author Suzanne Brown about tips to help working moms maximize their time. Suzanne shares ideas to help working moms work smarter including planning for the week and each day, both for you and for kids during remote learning. She gives tips for creating boundaries, shifting the way you work, and defining your version of balance. And Suzanne talks kicking mom guilt to the curb.