How to Fix a Broken Slab of Marble?
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How to Fix a Broken Slab of Marble?

Marble is a favorite stone in home décor due to its unique properties that make no two colors or designs alike. While it is one of the more durable natural materials you can find, it is susceptible to breakage just like any other type of stone if it is dropped or sustains a heavy impact from a falling object. The good news is that a broken piece of marble does not mean that it has to be trashed if the break isn’t too severe. As long as your slab is not missing any major pieces, it can usually be repaired using an epoxy or special marble adhesive compound using the steps below to fix a broken slab of marble.

Clean The Broken Edge

When marble breaks, small dust particles often appear on the line of breakage. Start by cleaning along the broken edge using a nylon brush with stiff bristles to whisk away the dust. Then, use acetone on a lint-free cloth or sponge to further clean both sides of the break. Since acetone has a strong odor, make sure to do this step in a well-ventilated area away from people with respiratory ailments such as asthma. Thoroughly cleaning your marble is essential for making sure that the epoxy is able to stick to the surface.

Determine If It is a Clean Break

With a clean break, the sides of your slab should connect perfectly together like a puzzle piece. You should also not see any cracks extending beyond the main break line. If this is the case, then your marble is easily repairable using the epoxy. For two-part epoxy, follow the instructions that are included on the package, and remember to use a craft stick and not your finger for stirring. Then, use a new craft stick or putty knife to apply the putty as directed to the broken edges of your marble piece. Once the putty is applied, press the two sides together. Remove any epoxy that squirts out by carefully wiping down the broken edge with a damp cloth.

Make Filler For Missing Pieces

You can make matching filler for missing chunks of your marble slab by gathering the dust that the break left behind. If there is not enough dust left, then you can also take a sample of your marble to a stone supplier to find some in a matching shade. Once you have enough marble dust, mix it half-and-half with the epoxy until you have a well-mixed paste. Then, use your craft stick or putty knife to apply the filler material to areas that are chipped or missing noticeable chunks. Smooth this out with additional filler along the crack so that everything is at the same height.

Keep It Together

As your epoxy dries, it is important to keep the two pieces clamped firmly together. For small items, you can use a c-clamp that is found at the hardware store. Larger items may require a strap clamp. With either option, make sure that the clamp does not touch the epoxy or it will adhere to the marble. Once your piece has fully cured, you can then sand down the edges and scrape off any excess putty.

Salvaging marble items is a simple process that saves you from dealing with expensive replacements or having to get rid of a cherished heirloom. As you set out on your project, remember that taking your time and being patient will give you stellar results that look like a professional repair.

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