Easy Ways To Bring More Fun Into Your Life
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Easy Ways To Bring More Fun Into Your Life


They come fast and furious each week, don’t they?

As a mom of five, I can say – without a bit of hesitation – Mondays are tough days and my least favorite! My kids feel the same way, too. The kick-off to Monday is always the same way, trying to keep everyone excited and ready for the week. Bringing some extra FUN into a regular Monday is something I always try to do for my kids (and myself, too). You can just tell that there’s an instant energy change at home when we do something fun on Mondays.

Crocs just conducted the first-ever “State of Fun” survey that showed 90 percent of U.S. moms connect fun to their personal health and well-being, yet 63 percent say they’re having less fun today than they did 10 years ago. I’m not surprised by these findings at all. I feel this and I hear this! The survey also shared that Mondays are moms’ least fun days – sound familiar?

Here are some ways I’ve been trying to bring in some additional fun for the kids on “regular” Mondays.

  1. Scavenger Hunt. Teach your kids how to have an old-fashioned scavenger hunt. Plan the hunt for inside the home using silly clues.
  2. Dance Party. Turn up the music in the kitchen and start a dance party with the whole family.
  3. Change things up and serve breakfast for dinner. Add something special to a favorite breakfast dish, such as chocolate chips on pancakes, which your family will ask for every Monday.
  4. Bubble Party. Grab some bubbles at the dollar store and plan a fun night in the front yard with your family.
  5. Ice Scream. Make your own ice cream sundaes on Monday. Add different toppings every Monday so your kids won’t know what to expect.
  6. Early Pajama Night. Get into your pajamas early and share old photographs and family movies with your kids.

No technology required! It’s funny; people are split on whether childhood or adulthood is more fun. There is so much out there right now about “children of the 70s/80s and how our childhoods were so much better because we were locked out of the house all day and called in when it got dark.” It’s a great conversation to start because I love seeing my kids outside playing without a gaming device or phone attached to their hands.


In truth, the one thing that really stands out to me from Crocs “State of Fun” survey is that moms are most likely to say they need more fun in their lives. Believe me, it is possible to add some extra fun into YOUR life, too! As much as we might think being away on a deserted island for a week would be great fun, it’s really not practical. Here are some ways to bring some fun into your life that you can (hopefully) easily fit into your life.

  1. Plan a Girl’s Night Out. It’s always fun to take a weekday night and head out with your closest girlfriends. It’s good for the soul to laugh out loud and be a “girl” again! You can also plan a “girl’s night in” and plan a pot luck meal at someone’s home for a more economical way to celebrate with the girls.
  2. Play Hooky for the Day. Take the day off and spend it relaxing. Make a deal with yourself that you will only choose hobbies and activities that you enjoy. You can make a pact with yourself for one day to avoid all laundry, chores and work. Enjoy the day for YOU!
  3. Movie Night by Yourself. Pick your favorite movie and plan to enjoy it by yourself. You have permission to splurge on soda and popcorn for one. Many communities offer reduced-price movie night, so it makes it an easy decision to see that low-budget rom com you’ve wanted to see.
  4. Bubble Bath. Choose one hour per week to tell the kids “mom is busy” and head for the bath. Bubbles and a good book provide an experience that you’ll begin looking forward to each week.
  5. Rock Out at a Concert. How long has it been since you’ve attended a concert? Summer concerts offer opportunities to enjoy the outdoors while listening to one of your favorite bands. Make sure you sing, dance and enjoy the music!
  6. Sign Up for a Class. Your kids have activities – now it’s time to schedule one for you. Sign up for a weekly Dance Class, Art Class, Fitness Class, Music Class, etc. Give yourself a weekly treat!

Bring on the “State of Fun” in your life! Make Mondays stand out and give yourself permission and the time to have some fun on your own, too. Just tell your family, “Crocs told me to do it!” 🙂

Author Bio:
Audrey McClelland is co-founder of MomGenerations.

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