3 mins read

10 Things Nobody Will Tell You About Having A Baby

After reading "20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids," I was inspired to share some wisdom of my own. So without further ado, here are ten things I learned as a new mom: 1. People Will Hate Your Kid’s Name There’s no way to win this one. Classic, retro, unique - someone…

6 mins read

Kissing Kids on the Lips: Fine or Not?

I recently read an article that says that parents should not kiss their babies on the mouth, because it can be "sexual" or "stimulating."  Well, look at this: Here is why I think this is fine.  And not just me, plenty of other people think it's fine, too. People are hypocritical.  In this article, a woman says that kissing…

6 mins read

The Little Boy On First Base

To all the coaches, parents, and fans of little league, The season is upon us. Fields all over are filled with parents, fans, coaches, players, and umpires. It's an exciting time of year for boys and girls, the cold is finally turning warmer, the days are slowly becoming longer, school is almost out for summer,…

5 mins read

The Stranger You Know: How to Spot a Child Molester’s Tricks

Think you would be able to tell if a molester was using deceptive grooming techniques to gain access to your child? In many instances, the red flags can practically be under our noses. Yet often, parents who learn that their child has been victimized will share the same reaction I had no idea He was so nice He didnt look like a molester.