3 mins read

Sex Enhancement Tips

Good sex is extremely important for all couples. Though your libido may ebb and flow over the years, you should aim to make sex a priority, because the physical intimacy can make you feel mentally and emotionally closer as well. Most people have to work at having a good sexual relationship, so don’t feel badly if your sex life isn’t exactly what you want.

5 mins read

Getting in the Mood After Kids

You wake up at 5am to a baby crying, but your husband rolls over and continues snoring. With a freshly diapered baby on one hip and a cup of tea in the other hand, you start breakfast, wake up the other kids, get everyone ready for school, get yourself ready for work, and all before six thirty. Your husband strolls into the kitchen looking fresh around seven, gives you a peck on the cheek, and heads off for work. You drop the kids off at school and daycare and spend the next eight hours getting nagged for something a co-worker did. You pick up the kids and head home

3 mins read

Fun Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life

All couples will eventually get into a rut with their sex lives. It may be because of changing situations – like a new baby or a promotion that requires more hours spent at work – or you could just be bored. Whether you like it or not, sex is an important part of your relationship, and you need to work on ways that you can make it better. Talk to your partner about the different ways you can spice up your sex life and check out a few fun and sexy ideas below: