Category: Tweens and Teens
I’m a Mom Who Hates to Shop, Raising Teenage Girls Who LOVE It!
Shopping, for some people, is a favorite pastime sport, a form of entertainment. I hate shopping. To put it into perspective just how much I hate shopping, let me say this: I would rather have a colonoscopy than go to the mall. Are you beginning to understand how much I dislike it? My ex-husband always said that I was a dream wife in the sense that I never went shopping without a purpose.
Having Teenage Drivers is a Test for for Moms…
There are times when I think maybe I am not cut out for motherhood. I know you are probably thinking its a little late in the game to start thinking that way. I can handle pregnancy; sleepless nights, potty training and homework that make me question how I ever passed the fourth grade. But I dont think I can handle having my children drive.
It’s Summer: Help Your Teen Do Something Dangerous
(excerpt from If Your Teen Could Talk, by Dr. David Hooton) Brain Frame #4: Encourage Risky Behaviors Or rather, help your teen become a safe risk taker. Were talking about helping teens engage in risky behaviors that have predictable, non-permanent consequences. You have to allow them the opportunity to excite their amygdala, the driver for their emotional brain. You want to look for opportunities that will fulfill a teens need for real excitement but that dont end in death, permanent disability, or your premature grandparenthood.
Teenage Migraines
Many migraine sufferers experience their first migraine-related difficulties during their teen years. If your teen’s headaches seem to be worse than the norm, it is possible that she is beginning to experience migraines. If left unchecked, your teen’s migraines could result in academic difficulties and make her miss activities while she is forced to spend days in bed coping with her head pain. To ensure that your teen doesn’t suffer these ill effects, deal with her migraines as soon as you spot them.
Is Your Child on Facebook? What You Need to Know!
Facebook is great! We love it! We use it! But is Facebook your childs friend? We adults have found the answer to keeping in touch with old and new friends without too much effort. We can brag about our kids, our life, share precious moments with just about EVERYONE. Thats the thing parents need to understand. When you post something, even with privacy settings, EVERYONE can see it. Did you know that?