3 mins read

Parent’s Choice vs. Good Start Infant Formula

In the United States, baby formula is highly regulated. Strict standards must be upheld by formula manufacturers that touches on everything from where the formula is made to what it contains. That means that Gerber Good Start and Wal-Mart’s Parent’s Choice baby formulas are both measured by the same yard stick. The big difference is in price–Parent’s Choice runs about $10 less per can than Good Start. Both brands have a multitude of formulations.

4 mins read

Alternatives to Fertility Drugs

When you have been trying unsuccessfully to have a baby for six months to a year, you probably spend your days thinking of little else. You are not alone. About 7.3 million women in the U.S. have difficulty getting or staying pregnant, as of 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You know that you could try fertility drugs, but you may only want to do that as a last resort.

3 mins read

The Best Baby Skin Care Products

Prevent your baby from getting the baby blues by using skin care products that are suitable for her skin. Harsh chemicals present in some soaps, lotions and ointments do not only irritate your baby’s skin, but they may also cause skin allergies. Use only the best for your baby to ensure your baby’s comfort and your peace of mind.

2 mins read

What Is Ovulex?

If you’ve been trying to conceive without success, it’s natural to start to look for solutions to your problems. At times, even doctors may not be able to tell you why you haven’t been able to conceive yet. Ovulex is an herbal blend that, according to its manufacturer, strengthens your reproductive system to help you get pregnant. However, according to experts, there have been no clinical trials to prove its effectiveness.

4 mins read

Easy Ways to Find Out the Sex of Your Baby

You don’t have to wait nine months to find out whether you will have a baby boy or girl. Several tests exist that will tell you the sex of your baby while it is still in your womb so that you can choose a name ahead of time and start decorating the nursery in the right colors. Keep in mind, though, that these tests can be risky, and you may wish them to only be done if you have concerns about the baby’s health.