3 mins read

Benefits of Pilates Exercises

The Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), a not-for-profit professional organization for Pilates, points out that more Americans are practicing Pilates as a way to condition their bodies and improve their physiques. Pilates, a low-impact exercise program appropriate for women of all ages and fitness levels, involves a succession of smooth movements, which integrate both stretching and breathing exercises. Developing a pattern of slow, deliberate movements along with controlled breathing increases blood flow to the muscles providing a number of fitness benefits.

4 mins read

Herbal Remedies to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Pressure. Anxiety. Tension. Worry. Stress. Whatever you call it, you know when it’s heavy on your shoulders. You might get tension headaches, feel nauseous or have anxiety attacks. Or your symptoms may be less physical and more behavioral: a constant feeling of irritation, a sense of being overwhelmed, an inability to relax, a constant need to defend yourself (which often comes out as a version of attacking others). The symptoms of stress tend to create even more stress. You may not be able to take a week-long beach vacation to get away from the sources of the stress, but you can incorporate some herbal remedies into your daily routine. Stress always exists somewhere, but learning to cope with it calmly and naturally puts you back in charge.

2 mins read

Healthy Diet for Beautiful Skin

While genetics and environmental conditions are powerful determinants in the skin’s condition and appearance, a proper diet can give the skin a healthy glow. It can be challenging to maintain a balanced diet that delivers all the nutrients for a healthy body and complexion. Integrating a few key foods into your weekly menu, and see if you notice the results in your skin’s tone, texture and moisture content. Establish or maintain a daily sunscreen habit to maximize your skin’s healthy and beauty.

3 mins read

Colon Cleansing Food Diet

It’s no wonder you often feel bloated and sluggish after inhaling a high-fat meal on the run; usually, those types of convenience foods offer little in the way of nutrients but more than enough of the “bad stuff.” Foods that are high in fat, calorie-dense and chemically preserved settle in the colon where they wreak havoc on the digestive tract, causing many physical discomforts such as constipation, headache and fatigue.

3 mins read

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections While Pregnant

Yeast infections are the bane of women. Well, perhaps menstrual cramps are the bane of women. Yeast infections are certainly a close second, and when you’re pregnant they can escalate to No. 1 in a hurry. Yeast infections are often more common during pregnancy, precisely when prescription medications are not a wise idea due to possible side effects on the developing baby. There are some good, natural remedies that are safe during pregnancy, both to help cure the yeast infection and to relieve the symptoms until it has cleared up.