Category: Beauty & Style
Beauty & Style
DIY Peppermint Candy Cane Sugar Scrub
After Christmas I surveyed the pantry and spied a bunch of leftover candy canes. I had used some of them to make peppermint bark (check out this amazing recipe) and had a few left. My mother also gives the kids these giant candy canes every Christmas and I don’t have the heart to tell her that they just don’t like them quite that much.
5 Holiday Fashion Secrets That Will Make You Look 5 Pounds Thinner
The following is a guest post byZankhna ParekhTis the season again for glamorous holiday balls, office Christmas parties, and sparkling new years eve parties. It is also the most dreaded time of the year if you are a new mom (or a mom).As we all know, most things dont go back to where they should after having kids, but particularly so if you are a new mom. You know you the …
Beauty Tips Using Lemon Juice
Not only do your groceries keep you from going hungry, they also help keep you looking your best. Like many items found easily in your refrigerator and cupboards, lemons contain ingredients that can replace costly cosmetics. Lemons have a dual purpose. These zingy citrus fruits can improve your appearance and treat certain cosmetic conditions, as well as enhance the flavors of your culinary dishes and refreshing drinks.
Soaking Feet in Epsom Salts
Nothing feels better than giving your feet a break after a long day and soaking your feet in Epsom salt has many health benefits. Epsom salt is made of magnesium sulfate. When absorbed through the skin, magnesium sulfate draws toxins out of the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling and relaxes muscles. In addition to soothing sore and achy feet, Epsom salt can reduce foot inflammation, remove foot odors and soften rough skin on your feet. In fact, if you are having trouble removing a splinter from your foot, an Epsom salt foot soak can be effective in drawing it out.
5 Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on the Thighs
Your thighs are one of the classic places where stretch marks form, and it can be very difficult to rid yourself of them. You will want to consider various treatments, depending upon the severity, color and size of the stretch marks. These streaks, ranging from white and silver to red and purple, are indicative that the collagen in the epidermis has broken down, typically due to the hormonal fluctuations that come with rapid weight gain. Try some simple techniques for prevention or removal and then work your way up to the more intensive treatments. Pregnant women, women who are nursing or women who have recently undergone a cesarean delivery or other surgery should consult with a doctor or homeopath before incorporating therapies using prescription medication or high concentrations of herbs.