3 mins read

How to Even Out a Spray Tan That Left White Spots

How to Even Out a Spray Tan That Left White Spots Spray tanning has become one of the most popular ways to get your skin to glow the way you want it. It is a great alternative to tanning that won't put you at risk for UV rays. Most of the time, these tans provide…

3 mins read

The Average Breast Size of a Woman

Breasts are significant features of the female anatomy. Girls may start to develop breasts as early as 8 years old, but breast development may not start until the early teens. Most women’s breasts are fully developed by the time they reach their early 20s, and breast size will remain fairly stable, though it may fluctuate due to overall weight gain or pregnancy. Breast size is unique to each woman and is generally dictated by genetics.

3 mins read

How to Fade Hair Color Quickly

Hair dye has revolutionized personal style for women around the globe. Blondes can transform into ravishing redheads, and brunettes can become platinum with just a little time and effort. Occasionally, dye is stronger than what might have been desired, making the need to quickly fade the color extremely important. Fading hair color is not a difficult process, although it can be time consuming to complete properly.

5 mins read

The latest breakthroughs in skincare – and it’s all natural.

What you need to know about the latest breakthroughs in skincare – and it’s all natural. For centuries humans have been on that elusive search for the fountain of youth. And while a magical spring has not been discovered, did you know that there are significant advances being made in skincare technology today? These advances…

3 mins read

6 Foods You Blame for Breakouts: Is It True?

When it comes to your skin, are you what you eat? Chocolate and fried foods are famous for causing breakouts, but are they true or is it just a skin myth? Take a closer look at six foods you probably blame for breakouts, and find out whats really causing problems on your face. What causes breakouts?