1 min read

How Can I Make My Nails Stronger?

Strong nails do more than make your hands look pretty. The condition of your nails gives you a clue about your overall health and nutrition. If your diet is short on nutrients, the result could be weakened nails. Taking care of the root cause of weakened nails and maintaining your nails on a regular basis builds them up. A nail care routine helps you avoid brittle nails that break or split regularly.

3 mins read

Spa Manicure and Pedicure Procedures

Many busy moms delight in receiving a spa manicure and pedicure. Not only does this process leave your hands and feet looking great, it also serves as a relaxing time for you to sit back and be pampered. The traditional spa manicure and pedicure is a multifaceted process that is specifically design to leave your hands and feet at their finest.

2 mins read

How to Tighten Loose Skin After a Baby

Most moms hope that upon the birth of their child, their once taunt tummy returns to its previous tightness. While this does almost miraculously happen in some cases, much to the chagrin of many moms, this is not always the case. If the birth of your child left you with some skin that just won’t cooperate, no matter how many times you beg it to tighten up, consider some things that you can do to promote skin tightening and create a physical appearance that at least closely approximates the one you used to possess.

2 mins read

Home Pedicure Tips

A relaxing pedicure at the spa isn’t always in the budget, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice pampering. Home pedicures give you the best of both worlds. Your toes get a pretty pampering session, and your bank account gets a break from the high cost of salon and spa pedicures.

3 mins read

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enlarge Breasts

Mother Nature may not have endowed you with the goods to fill out that bathing suit top, but that doesn’t mean you have to resort to surgery to get what you want. In fact, Mother Nature herself may provide the ingredients for improving upon the bounty she gave — or didn’t give — you. While few scientific studies support claims of breast enlargement for nonsurgical methods, anecdotal evidence suggests that some home remedies may help increase your breast size. Be sure to discuss your plans with your health care provider.