2 mins read

How to Do a Manicure and Pedicure

Getting a manicure and pedicure is a great way for you to relax and unwind from the stresses of being a mom. Too bad a weekly hand and foot treatment can get pretty pricey, pretty quickly. Plus, the smell at the nail salon can be pretty overpowering, and you may have some concerns about the cleanliness of the tools the manicurists use. Save some cash and put your fears to rest by giving yourself a manicure and pedicure at home. Invite your girlfriends over, pop in a silly movie and make a night of it.

3 mins read

Natural Beauty in Women

While some women depend upon a bevy of cosmetic products to create the semblance of beauty, others possess a natural magnetism and attractiveness. The concept of beauty is elusive, and many have tried to define this quality with little success. As you try to wrap your head around this principle of attraction, consider the qualities that make someone beautiful as well as the ways in which beauty is tied to science.

2 mins read

Hairstyles for Babies With Curly Hair

Your baby has a great head of luscious, curly hair. Since those curls typically don’t last long, make the most of them while you can by styling your baby’s hair in cute, age-appropriate ways that draw attention to her curls. Keep in mind that your baby’s scalp is more delicate than an older child’s and that certain hair accessories, such as that adorable barrette, can be choking hazards.

1 min read

How to Wear Eyelashes

False lashes can brighten your eyes, especially if your own lashes are fairly short or sparse. Lashes come in a variety of styles to suit your needs. For example, there are natural-looking lashes to just give your eyes a boost or brightly colored ones — think hot pink or electric green — for the times when you want to go a little wild. If you’ve never put on false lashes, the process can seem a bit intimidating, but you’ll be applying them like a pro in no time.

1 min read

How to Dry Your Nails Fast

Little is more frustrating thing than paying someone to paint your nails, only to smudge them a few minutes after leaving the salon. Even if you paint your own nails, having to redo a smudged one can be a major inconvenience. Fortunately, you can speed up the nail drying process. And the faster your nails dry, the less likely you are to smudge them.