1 min read

Children and Pets

Pets have an innate ability to live in the now and stay present, as do children. Somewhere along the way as we grow older, we lose touch with that natural ability. Instead of following this path what if we can influence our children to stay present, having a profound impact on their lifelong happiness?

2 mins read

Must-Have Mom Tips to Encourage Happy Living with a Dog

There is nothing sweeter than seeing your child with their new puppy. Right? Well, many new puppy owners would beg to differ. Nice for the first 5 minutes and then the MADNESS begins! Running, chasing, nipping… and I’m not talking about the dog! Teaching your child not to hit or poke the family dog is NOT an easy task, I get it.

2 mins read

Doggy Style

My German Sheppard Velvet is in heat. I meant to get her fixed, and I missed the window. Her brother, Thunder, has been going nuts! Hes like a teenage boy at the Playboy Mansion! We have been carefully separating them, but they are so attached to each other that they howl when they’re apart. They have never been apart and have never wanted each other more than they do now.

5 mins read

A New Addition: A Pet for My Child (or maybe for me)

We have a new addition to the family. Her name is Goldilocks. She is not blond nor does she have hair. In fact, she is not even a she–I know this because her plastic container was labeled male. But whatever. Its a fish. On the food chain its one step up from a potato bug. And thats only because its kind of pretty.