5 mins read

Women, Money, and Why Asking for More Is Always a Good Idea

Boy oh boy. Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella, a tech veteran but new to the big Microsoft job since February, really goofed last week at an Arizona tech conference for women. Maria Klawe, a software engineer, former Princeton department head, and member of Microsoft’s board of directors, asked him about the problem of women getting paid…

2 mins read

The C Word – Let’s Talk About Coupons

Let’s talk about coupons.

When is the last time you gave serious thought to the subject of these little money-saving pieces of paper? To me, there is something strangely nostalgic about coupons, as the one marketing tactic my mother and her mother may have seen in the weekly circular, clipped with scissors and filed away in their purses. And here I am, two generations later, sorting through the mail and stuffing a couple of …

4 mins read

Your Financial Therapist Goes to Boot Camp

Anyone who knows me knows that I dont jump. I dont like anything to do with jumping. My excuse has always been that I have big breasts and this makes me want to stay low to the ground. Well about a year ago, I lost a pregnancy. It was the last time I would be trying to have a child and it was quite a harrowing experience to say the least. My best …

5 mins read

Top Three Reasons Moms Overspend & How to Cut It OUT

There is a psychology to everything even why we let more dollar bills wiggle out of our wallets than might be wise. But the good news is that once you understand why you do what you do, you can try on a new, more budget-friendly habit. Here are the top three reasons moms tend to overspend. We can be people pleasers. I know you have been there: you are in the supermarket and your children …

8 mins read

Nine Money-Making Ideas Every Mom Should Know About

A few years ago, a group of moms were hanging around the playground and the topic of making extra money came up. Some moms wanted to send their children to a specialized camp; others were saving for a family trip, while others were just looking to make ends meet. After a half hour of groaning, complaining and sulking one of the crafty moms piped up. Were all sitting around thinking about what we don …