3 mins read

Smart Phones are Smart for Homework Time, Too

When I was growing up, “homework time” looked like this: books and papers spread across the kitchen table, TV turned off and all other distractions kept to a minimum, including phone calls with friends (on the shared family phone with the eternally tangled chord). Mom-enforced. Fast forward several decades. Recently, I went upstairs to check…

5 mins read

5 Phrases Infecting Your Child’s Education

The following is a guest post by Raj (Anurag) Pandey, Education Program Director at MathCrunch. Parents have a tremendous impact on a child’s achievement. According to the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), when parents are involved, regardless of income or background, children are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level…

4 mins read

Quick Time Hacks For Studying and Homework

Many parents feel like there are not enough hours in the day. We work hard from morning until night, just to go to bed remembering all the tasks we have yet to accomplish. For many parents, it is hard to find the extra time to help our children and students perform better in school. Here…

3 mins read

Should Kids Take a Gap Year Before College?

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? You’re 18. Just finished high school. Now, instead of heading to college to hit the books again, you travel, meet new people, and learn more about yourself. So why would parents oppose this? The “gap year” is an increasingly popular choice for American high schools – a year of work, study…