3 mins read

How To Reduce Math Homework Struggles

Every child has strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to help them with the subjects they find challenging while allowing them to flourish subjects they have a more natural affinity for. When a child struggles with homework it can be particularly frustrating for all involved but there are strategies to help! Math tends to…

3 mins read

How to Memorize the Periodic Table

Memorizing the periodic table can be a very rewarding endeavor. Whether we realize it or not, chemistry plays a huge role in our day to day lives -- and who knows, the atomic number of plutonium may be your prize-winning question on Jeopardy one day. Regardless of the reason you want to learn the periodic…

3 mins read

Back To School Tips For Kids With Allergies

The following is a guest post by Karma Bryan-Ingle For most parents, back to school time comes with a bit of anxiety. All of the typical questions arise Will my child have a teacher who is a good fit? Will he have friends in his class? Will he make new friends?

3 mins read

How to Memorize Times Tables

Memorizing doesn’t come easy to everybody. For some people, faces and names don’t seem to stick in their minds. For others, numbers just don’t seem to stick. Here are some tips and tricks for memorizing times tables. Make your numbers come alive! This is a memory trick which can be used in your everyday life…